On October 4, I was invited to present a briefing paper at a meeting of the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) committee of the European Parliament, in preparation of their hearing of European Central Bank President Mario Draghi the following week. the paper is about the European initiative to create a banking union and more specifically the European Commission's proposals for A Single Supervisory Mechanism and related reform of the European Banking Authority, published on September 12.
Bruegel later published a lightly edited version of the same paper in its Policy Contribution series, available here. The paper is also available on the European Parliament's website.
December 11 update: an updated and slightly expanded version was also published by the Peterson Institute (PDF version here)
Thanks for your sharing the paper is about the European initiative to create a banking union and more specifically the European Commission's proposals for A Single Supervisory Mechanism and related reform of the European Banking Authority
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